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Mobile: +359 899 405 315
Mon-Fri: 10AM – 6PM (EEST)
North American ( US & Canada )
Mobile: +1 647 885 88 33
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Idea Murale website (www.ideamurale.com) is a property of IDEA MURALE Ltd.,
with registered seat and management address at 7, Stefan Stambolov Str., Varna 9000, Bulgaria.
Registered in the Company Register with the Registry Agency under uniform ID code 148147349
We will be glad to get in touch!
Mobile: +359 899 405 315
Mon-Fri: 10AM – 6PM (EEST)
North American ( US & Canada )
Mobile: +1 647 885 88 33
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Idea Murale website (www.ideamurale.com) is a property of IDEA MURALE Ltd., with registered seat and management address at 7, Stefan Stambolov Str., Varna 9000, Bulgaria.
Registered in the Company Register with the Registry Agency under uniform ID code 148147349